October 2015 Vol. 1(2), pp. 019-026
Copyright © 2015 Transcontinental Publishers

Full Length Research Paper

Corruption and its Impact on the Economy

Vicente Humberto Monteverde

Director of the Institute of Economic Research University of Moron

E-mail: monteverdevicente@hotmail.com

Accepted 06 October, 2015  


Corruption is one of the main Criticisms of Citizens to political actors, Usually made from outside and disseminated by the media. Determining the hypothesis based on answering a series of questions, answers serve to signal path links the main theme of the work. In the part of research and development contrasting theme of political corruption, economic causes and effects of corruption, Especially the impact on Certain key variables of the economy, gross domestic product, investment, government spending. A positive view of corruption as natural phenomenon, producing positive and negative externalities. Analyze the likely economic models, the focus of rent-seeking and principal agent, the MOST Widespread in economic theory. The analysis stage of the economy of corruption, two key points, one is measuring corruption and the optimal amount of Then it ends. In the conclusions, the assumptions are answered, and if corruption That shows economy.

Keywords: Corruption economy government transparency.

Classification: JEL: H Public Economics, H3 Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic Agents.

Cite this Reference:

Vicente HM (2015). Corruption and its Impact on the Economy. Interlink Continental J. Bus. Manage. Econ. 1(2): 019-026.